MYO on Computer
Source –
Creative Director
This was the centerpiece of an agency promotional effort intended to show off our digital prowess, and it helped us land a lot of interactive business over the years. We did it when Flash was everywhere, almost a decade ago, and we never got around to making a html5 version, but if you have flash – you can make your branded hi-def TV spot, a pharma spot, in 60 seconds or less, right here.
The idea was mine, and I wrote and directed every scene, and there were 51 scenes in 51 locations – and we shot it all in a week. The host, the guy who explains how to get rich in the pharma / advertising world, is Bob Peischel, the agency ACD and senior writer, who, in my opinion, would have been a Hall of Fame VO/ on-camera pitchman had he decided to go that route.
When you do the math – all the possible variations times all the pre-recorded brand names in the database, there are well over a million possible outcomes. You can make a spot that’s actually quite close to any pharma spot on-air right now, or… you can go a little more hard core, like the spot I made and posted here (top left). So give it a try, and make your own spot. Though launched 2008ish, the content still looks and feels very current – and the music is just a lame as any pharma music today.
Note: “Make Your Own TV Spot On The Spot” was fairly big in Poland, which is odd given we didn’t offer translations.
Note: Several clients asked for versions of the site for themselves, including the National Constitution Center. (Their version centered around making campaign TV spots for presidential hopefuls.)