Note for E&E Chimney Sweeps 10/19/20

Hello E&E. My name is Glenn Gury and my wife and I have been an E&E customers for 20+ years, though it’s been a while since you guys have been to the house. Why I’m writing: We need our chimney fixed. The reason: some of the mortar has come out and this may be causing a leak in the wall next to the fireplace. We had a contractor come out for an estimate and he said “the first thing you need to do is fix the chimney.” So, can you send someone out to take a look? (And I’m guessing you’re very busy, but the sooner the better if possible!)

Our address is 106 Bruce Road Washington Crossing PA, and the phone number is 215-499-7482 (Marilyn). Or, you can email Glenn at

We look forward to hearing from you! Below is a video of the chimney… which is part of the job description for the contractor. But it would be nice if E&E could do the WHOLE job.

Please play the video below:

Note: Before playing this video, click on the little icon in the bottom right corner for a full screen view.

Note: A little more than a year ago, we hired a contractor to fix this leak. 2 months after he left, the leak came back… but at least we know why. (We will explain on-site.) Any questions, call Marilyn Gury at 215-806-1902 and/or write Marilyn at . Thank you.

Below: a wide shot of the side of the house.

A close-up of the side of the house. Note the moss and crap growing out of the brick. This side of the chimney faces due north, no sunlight, ever.