NOTE FOR Jenson Brothers 10/19/20

Hello. My name is Glenn Gury. Why I’m writing: We need our chimney fixed! The reason: some of the mortar has come out and this may be causing a leak in the wall next to the fireplace. We had a contractor come out for an estimate and he said “the first thing you need to do is fix the chimney.” So, I looked online and I saw you guys. Can you send someone out to take a look? (I’m guessing you’re very busy, but the sooner the better if possible!)

Our address is 106 Bruce Road Washington Crossing PA, and the phone number is 215-499-7482 (Marilyn). Or, you can email Glenn at

We look forward to hearing from you! Below is a video of the chimney… which I filmed as part of the job description for the contractor. But it would be nice if Jenson could do the WHOLE job.

Please play the video below, which was made for the contractor… but at least it gives you a closer view of the chimney.

Note: Before playing this video, click on the little icon in the bottom right corner for a full screen view.

Note: A little more than a year ago, we hired a contractor to fix this leak. 2 months after he left, the leak came back… but at least now we know why.

Below: a wide shot of the side of the house.

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 2.32.02 PM.png

Below: A close-up of the side of the house. Note the moss and crap growing out of the brick. This side of the chimney faces due north, no sunlight, ever.

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 2.31.47 PM.png