GoodDeals TV Concepts 11/25-B

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Scratch VOs for Jay

These are timing tests only – and they were thrown together quickly, don’t judge on performance. Also, for these scripts to make sense visually, refer to the PDF above.

Scratch VO for Concept #1: “I Could Maybe… Juggle?” (Music is FPO.)

Hi, I’m Jay Russo from GoodDeals Appliances… and no: I can’t afford a famous pro quarterback – or even a “back-up” pro quarterback – to do this commercial for me. Sorry. As for special effects, like talking dishwashers – well that’s pricey. My wife said “shoot the commercial somewhere exotic, like Paris," but look, here’s the deal: every dime I save, YOU save, when you buy at GoodDeals. We’re all about the lowest prices on appliances… and not some of the time, every time. (Pause.) I could maybe… juggle?

Scratch VO for Concept #3: “And 4 To Go.” (Music is FPO.)

Hi, I’m Jay Russo from GoodDeals Appliances. A lot of people ask: Jay, how do you keep prices so low? Today, I show you our 4-step process. One, for the money – our buyers verify prices at other stores. “We know people.” Two, for the show. Donna’s using the classic cross-out – an upper-case X. Very nice. Three... to get ready – with the lowest prices on, well... everything. And four... to go... to GoodDeals, and save. Because this... is rocket science. 

Scratch VO for Concept #2: “Take 10.” (Music is FPO.)

Hi, I’m Jay Russo from GoodDeals Appliances. So our new accountant comes up to me the other day and says “Jay, you can not continue to cut prices this low.” And I said: “But I cut everything, that’s what I do. I can even cut 10 seconds off this 30-second commercial.” And he says “no way, not possible” [ CUT TO Jay: ] [Pause.]  Really?…  Welcome to GoodDeals.” [ CUT TO: static screen of logo sequence ]


All words, pictures and ideas COPYRIGHT THE GURY GROUP LLC 2020. The Gury Group retains ownership of all original thinking and intellectual property contained herein and concepts not chosen remain unpublishable by all parties unless formally agreed to by all parties.