Here’s Jerry Seinfeld’s very first appearance on Johnny Carson. (Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.)
We could all use a little more Archie Bunker. (Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.)
Here’s a documentary about “Some Like It Hot.” (The best thing Tony Curtis ever did.) I highly recommend this video, it’s the backstory of how they made the movie. I really enjoyed it. Oh how I miss Jack Lemmon! (Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.)
Obviously… I HAD to include Flip-Out Man.
And the Azamara Journey, too – the last cruise any of us will ever take, ever. Had to believe this was 2007 and how little Matthew is.
The Taking Of The Thanksgiving Day Family Picture. (Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.)
Below, Troy’s video for her best friend’s wedding. (It was also her way of getting out of making a toast at the wedding.) I didn’t want to do it, but I was hoodwinked as usual. Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
The final out in game 5 of the 1956 World Series. Vince Scully makes the call. Here’s how it looked and sounded on TV after Larson’s final pitch. Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
How I loved these guys. I’m actually tearing up watching this bit… it’s as funny to me now as it was in the mid-60s. Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
Remember me telling you recently that I was reading (and watching) everything I could get my hands on about Hitler’s Inner Circle? You seem interested, so here’s one of the videos, about Heinrich Himmler. Of Speer, Bormann, Goebbels, Goring, Himmler, Donitz and Von Ribbentrop (and I know I’m forgetting a few) this guy Himmler was maybe the worst of them. Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
A silly stand-up routine from the 1980s about football. A bit dated, but very silly, gave me a giggle. Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
I love this. And it’s a true story about Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon. He’s walking out of a hotel with his assistant, when some guy who thinks we faked the moon landings starts harrassing him. Buzz warns the guy, then lets him have it. Buzz Aldrin is an amazing guy, and the smartest astronaut (with respect to science and engineering degrees) we ever sent up. Brilliant guy. Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
Below: “Inglorious Bastards” – the opening scene. One thing for sure, people love or hate this movie. It’s not at all historically accurate, it’s more of a “what if”” approach to beating the Third Reich. Brad Pitt stars. Warning: it’s very bloody in parts, and funny in parts. One thing for sure, it’s really well done. If you like this first clip, call me and I’ll send you the whole movie! Click the play arrow in the middle to watch.
Note: it starts in French with subtitles, but then goes to English after 6 minutes.
The Dick Van Dyke Show. I remember how much you loved that show! Here is a 14 minute piece I found highlighting Mary’s best moments on the show.
I can remember you laughing so hard while watching All in The Family – you loved that show too. Also from the early 70’s. Here’s 5 great memorable scenes.
On a snowy cold day at Franklin Field in 1968, Philadelphia Eagle Fans did something that thEy still talk about today. Here’s the story:
If I feature a football clip, how can I not show something from the Hurricanes? There was an amazing ESPN Documentary a few years ago on the ‘Canes from my days at the school. Here is a 3 minute clip – you’ll get the idea! The Orange & The Green! Very very mean!!
And now a quick 1 minute clip to salute one of your heartthrobs…
Speaking of music – Have you ever seen this from your new favorite group?!
How about a really great movie? Evans Circle is still to this day the place where most of my dreams are set. The movie Sandlot always makes me nostalgic for those days running around with the guys. Here is the trailer for the movie – I highly recommend it! If you want to watch it – just say “The Sandlot” in to your X1 Cable remote! I don’t think you’ll be sorry.
One of the most popular things to do around the office is share funny videos. Everyone has different favorites – here are just a few I hope you’ll like that we’ve passed around our office. A lot of my younger co-workers love Saturday Night Live, so I included one from them. Personally I always share classic Seinfeld clips!
Mom, I’m in the miDDle of this documentary. It’s about a bunch of British pilots who sunk Germany’s biggest battleship in 1944. It’s a great story, and most of it is told by the actual pilots who did the job, many of whom are still alive and in their mid-90s. (Though None look as gooD as you.) War documentaries may not be “your thing,” I know, and that’s fine… feel free to ignore if you want!
This has some commercials. Remember, you can stop commercials by tapping “SKIP ADS” in the lower right corner.
Another Documentary –– on the rat pack. One thing I didn’t know: the reLAtionship between Bogart and Sinatra. P.S. the first 10 minutes is hard to hear, but it gets better.
UPDATe: I started watching this last night and I’m almost done. It’s long! But it is absolutely fantastic. this one, you have to try! (and it is easier to hear as it goes on.)
Sorry about all the WWII stuff. I’ve been on a multi-month all-things-WWII bender as of late. But I did finD this, a free copy of what many consider the best romantic comedy of all time: 4 Weddings and a funeral. Hopefully its been a few years since you’ve see it.