awesome is in the house.
Comcast was a huge part of the agency for years. We had one dedicated team working on the business, producing materials for different regions around the country: TV, radio, hundreds of of direct mail campaigns (from very high-end to down and dirty), collateral, outdoor, sales presentations & videos, convention materials – everything. We were the AOR for Comcast Communities (where Comcast sells it services to gated communities and large condos via homeowners associations) and we were always the go-to creative shop for high-priority / take-it-up-a-notch projects.
I also did some work for Time Warner, which Comcast had no problems with – given Time Warner and Comcast were in non-competing markets. The Time Warner work was pretty interesting, in that we could target very specific groups and personalize our messaging beyond anything I’d ever seen before. In almost every case, we knew our target’s age, address, marital status, income level, level of service, likes and dislikes, and so on. Armed with that information, we created highly personalized postcards that led to highly personalized landing pages – that led to sales.
(More Comcast DM is on my retail page).